PTC provides services to Local Authorities in Development Control either remotely or in-office support and advice. This can be for pre-application investigation and discussion, assessment of planning applications, committee papers and reports, committee meetings, appeals and hearings, planning and highway agreements and site supervision.
PTC has extensive knowledge in transport policy, most development works of any significance will require a planning application, some minor works have permitted development rights or prior approval notification. On larger schemes it is preferable to arrange for pre-application discussion to identify the local authority requirements against development plan policies. The Development Plan often part of Core Strategy or Local Plan sets out the policies developers will need to adhere to in order to gain planning approval. For transport this will include how transport impacts and parking is assessed. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) allows local authorities to set their own local policies that are consulted before adoption and approved by the Local Authority.
Planning Applications
All planning applications are required to include a Design and Access Statement that sets out a description of the development, how the design was derived, what consultation has been carried out and what policies the development adheres to. Depending on the size of the development that will likely have an impact on the transport network than a Transport Statement or Assessment is required. This documentation can be very detailed and contain surveys, reviews and modelling setting out the likely impacts and any mitigation required. Certain mitigation may be required and can be in the form of access and junction proposals and new infrastructure or contributions made to the local authority to fund work required that is made through planning obligations as part of a Section 106 agreement. Any works on the public highway will require a highway agreement as set out in the Highways Act 1980 and includes Section 278 for works on the highway Section 38 highway adoption and Section 184 vehicle crossovers.
If highway is to be closed than under the Town and Country Planning Act this is required to be stopped up under Section 247. Development proposals also need to consider parking requirements and must meet the policy requirements or how on street impacts can be minimised such a Controlled Parking Zones, incentives such as car clubs and travel planning. How is the development going to be serviced and deliveries made and space for loading and turning of larger vehicles. PTC is highly experienced in advising developers, carrying out assessment and seeking mitigation from developers on transport impacts.

Highway officers are consulted through the planning application process and will advise the planning officer on transport requirements and if the development is supported or if not in accordance with policy should be refused. In many cases a development can be approved subject to a set of planning conditions were certain details are submitted for approval such as parking layouts, construction management, cycle parking etc. that would not materially change the decision. Depending on the size of the development and the amount of objections a decision is made by delegated planning officers or by planning committee members. A Planning Committee is represented by elected members of the Council to make decisions, a committee paper is drafted setting out the details of the application including any consultation and assessment on how a recommendation has been reached. A planning officer will recommend if the development should be approved or refused. At a planning committee the members are able to hear arguments from those who have responded to the application and ask questions to inform their decisions. They may or may not agree with the recommendation from the planning officer. When a decision is made there is a right of appeal where this is assessed by a Planning Inspector appointed by a government department. The inspector will hear the case from both sides and any third parties and the decision is final. PTC has experience in speaking at public meetings at committee meetings and hearings and giving expert advice. If a third party other than the applicant is not happy with the decision made than this can only be challenged through the courts with a judicial review where a decision is considered to be unlawful and quashed where the planning process will need to start again.
Highway Works
PTC have experience in Section 278 (works on the highway), 38 (highway adoption) and 184 (vehicle crossovers) Highways Agreements for work on the public highway. This includes technical approval of designs to meet Council standards, preparing cost estimates and site inspections, preparing agreements and agreeing bonds and maintenance periods and who is to do the work. PTC also have experience in site supervision.
PTC have experience in preparing Stopping Up Orders under Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act. This includes agreeing areas and plans, preparing notices of intention, consultation and order making.
Pelham Transport Consulting, 3 Mill Hill Drive, Shoreham-by-se, West Sussex BN43 5TJ